EU wants publication ban on “Voice of Europe”, “Ria Novosti” and “Izvestia”

Russian propaganda
EU wants publication ban on “Voice of Europe”, “Ria Novosti” and “Izvestia”

A look at the “Voice of Europe” YouTube channel

© Action Press

The news portal “Voice of Europe” is financed by Russia and carries out anti-Western propaganda. In addition, money is said to have flowed to AfD politicians via the medium. Now the EU is sanctioning the portal.

According to diplomats, the EU states have agreed on sanctions against the pro-Russian Internet portal “Voice of Europe” in the Czech Republic and against three Russian media outlets. In Brussels, the permanent representatives of the member states spoke out in favor of an EU-wide publication ban. In addition to “Voice of Europe”, the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti and the newspapers “Izvestia” and “Rossiskaya Gazeta” are affected.

“Voice of Europe” is based in Prague

The EU accuses them of spreading “Russian propaganda” in the war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Czech media reports, money is said to have flowed to European politicians via “Voice of Europe”, based in Prague. In this context, allegations were made against two AfD candidates for the European elections, Markus Krah and Petr Bystron. Both deny accepting Russian money. According to diplomats, the EU countries now want to formally decide on the media sanctions in a written procedure.


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