EU Parliament: Despite Krah’s exclusion: Right-wing ID group does not accept AfD

Eu Parliament
Despite Krah’s exclusion: Right-wing ID faction does not accept AfD

What’s next for the AfD in the EU Parliament? The ID faction split from the party shortly before the European elections. Photo

© Jörg Carstensen/dpa

The expulsion of Maximilian Krah is apparently not enough for his colleagues in Brussels. Controversial statements by the AfD’s leading candidate led to a break with the EU parliamentary group.

The right-wing ID group in the EU Parliament wants the Despite the exclusion of the controversial Maximilian Krah from its parliamentary delegation, the AfD will not accept the party back for the time being. The spokesman for AfD co-leader Alice Weidel confirmed a corresponding report in the magazine “Politico”. The head of the French Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, and other ID representatives made this decision at a meeting in Brussels.

After Krah made controversial statements about the National Socialist SS, the ID group in the European Parliament excluded the AfD group shortly before the European elections. In order to be able to rejoin the party, the newly elected AfD MPs decided by a majority on the Monday after the election not to include Krah in their delegation.

Krah described this as a mistake and predicted that it would not change the ID’s mind. The AfD should not allow a foreign party to dictate who it will run with, said Krah.


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