EU accession negotiations: Von der Leyen gives Ukraine hope

As of: November 4th, 2023 4:30 p.m

According to EU Commission President von der Leyen, Ukraine almost completely meets the requirements for EU accession negotiations. During a visit to Kiev, she also announced further punitive measures against Russia.

A few days before the publication of an EU progress report on Ukraine, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen demonstratively praised the country’s reforms during a visit to Kiev. “I must say, you have made excellent progress. It is impressive to see that,” she said after meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev.

Kiev’s goal of opening the EU accession negotiations process this year is “really within reach,” emphasized the Commission head. “You are already well over 90 percent of the way there,” said von der Leyen in a speech to members of parliament in Kiev. Much greater progress has already been made than could be expected from a country at war. Von der Leyen mentioned reforming the justice system, curbing the influence of oligarchs and combating money laundering. “This is the result of hard work and I know that you are working to complete the remaining reforms.”

However, an even stronger fight against corruption, new laws on lobbying activities and stricter regulations on asset disclosures are measures that are essential, said von der Leyen.

Zelensky said the visit came at a “historic moment.” “This decision will play a key role in history not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole of Europe.

New EU sanctions against Russia

Next Wednesday, the EU Commission President wants to present a report on Ukraine’s reform progress. On the basis of this, the European heads of state and government want to make a decision in December about the possible start of EU accession negotiations. Ukraine has been an official candidate for membership since last summer.

Von der Leyen announced in Kiev that the EU would announce new punitive measures against Russia next week. The sanctions included, among other things, new import and export bans, a stricter oil price cap and measures against companies from third countries that circumvented the sanctions. For too long, many in Europe thought that it was possible to trade with Russia and integrate the country into the European security order, she said.

Zelenskyj: No pressure Peace negotiations

According to his own statements, Zelensky does not see any pressure from the EU and the USA on his country to negotiate with Russia to end the war. “Nobody puts pressure on me,” said Zelensky. This happened before and at the beginning of the war. “Today, no one from the EU leaders, from the USA, is putting pressure on me that we now sit down with Russia, negotiate and give Russia anything. There will be no such thing,” said Zelensky.

Von der Leyen said that Ukraine is a sovereign country and therefore makes decisions on its own. She recalled that Zelensky himself had drawn up a “peace formula” of ten points, which will be pursued further. Essentially, it envisages a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine before Kiev begins negotiations with Moscow. “This shows that you are taking the initiative while fighting in the war to get territorial integrity and maintain your sovereignty,” von der Leyen said. Ukraine is also supported by the EU.

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