Ethereum Market Cap Is Now Over The World’s Biggest Bank – Bitcoin Addict

With Ethereum’s market cap right now, it’s one of the top 15 most valuable assets by global market capitalization.

The crypto industry has been one of the best years ever. Because it is widely accepted by both retail and institutional investors.

Not only will this positively affect the value of some digital assets, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but their market capitalization also shows growth from the extent to which these assets have expanded.

Ethereum’s market cap is now well above the largest banks in the world.

According to various available sources, Ethereum’s market cap has now beaten some of the largest financial institutions in the world, including JPMorgan.

Twitter user Kris Kay DeFi pointed out in his tweet on Dec. 1 that Ethereum’s market cap is $550 billion. Its growth is an indication of how far the coin has come now.

To be honest, Ethereum itself is less than a decade old, while the world’s largest bank, JPMorgan, is 40 years old.

at the present moment Ethereum’s market capitalization is around $480 billion. after falling almost 5% in the past but still It remains one of the top 15 assets by market capitalization in the world. It follows only the Meta of Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Bitcoin, Apple, Microsoft and other popular assets.

So how did Ethereum come this far?

if to say it is The Ethereum blockchain is undoubtedly one of the most popular and used blockchains in the crypto community. It is the most preferred blockchain for DeFi thanks to its smart contract features.

but interesting is Many analysts speculate that this kind of financial transaction could eventually overshadow the traditional financial space.

The network can also process more than 1 million transactions per day. This has made it one of the most used crypto networks.

however Its growth has some limitations. with record transaction fees That leaves it battling it out with the EIP-1559, and it remains to be seen who will be the better proof of stake network.

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