Essen: Residential complex must be demolished after a major fire

Big fire in Essen
Residential complex must be demolished, those affected should receive help

The burned-down facade of the residential complex in Essen. A robot and a drone took pictures of the damage.

© Fabian Strauch / DPA

The residential complex in Essen that was destroyed by a major fire will probably have to be demolished. Modernization is out of the question. Support is assured to those affected.

After the devastating fire in a residential complex in Essen, the building will probably have to be demolished. Modernization is out of the question, said Uwe Eichner, head of the housing company Vivawest, on Tuesday. “I personally assume that we will have to demolish the building and rebuild it there.” First, however, the statistical reports would have to be awaited.

State Building Minister Ina Scharrenbach (CDU) made her own picture of the scene of the accident and promised support to those affected. “People only have what they wore last night,” she said. The aim of the state government is now to quickly get new apartments for those affected. The focus is also on determining the cause of the fire, since “of course there are still questions for the legislature in this context,” said Scharrenbach.

Essen: Housing association wants to support those affected

The day after the fire, police sent a robotic dog into the building to help determine the cause of the fire, a police spokesman said. The police officers could not enter the burned-out block because there was a risk of it collapsing.

The robot dog ran through the hallways on the ground floor. There, the machine took pictures comparable to a drone, which the investigators want to use to find out what caused the big fire. The Ministry of the Interior had only recently presented the new technology.

Three injured in major fire in Essen

The housing company Vivawest was dismayed and offered help to the around one hundred tenants who had been evicted from the burned-out apartments. “We are deeply affected and wish the injured tenants a speedy recovery,” said Vivawest boss Eichner. Accordingly, the company wants to take over the hotel costs of those affected and set up an aid fund.

Three people were injured in the major fire in a residential complex in downtown Essen on Monday night. According to initial findings, a fire first broke out on a balcony, which then spread across the facade, fueled by storm “Antonia”. The fire brigade was on site with more than 150 forces. The operation lasted about twelve hours. The residents of the block of flats were brought to safety by firefighters.


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