Espionage: Protection of the Constitution: Russia’s influence abroad is increasing

Protection of the Constitution: Russia’s influence abroad is increasing

Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry. (Archive image) Photo: Sergey Guneyev / Pool Sputnik Kremlin / AP / dpa

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The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution assumes that Russia will expand its activities abroad. Above all, the trial of the so-called Tiergarten murder made this clear.

According to the findings of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), various Russian services and organizations are expanding their strategic influence abroad.

The recently ended trial of the so-called Tiergarten murder has made it clear “with what sometimes robust methods Russian agencies operate abroad,” said BfV President Thomas Haldenwang to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “We perceive that Russia has increased its activities.”

False reports in the election campaign

Among other things, the protection of the Constitution registered Russian attempts at influence during the federal election campaign. “At first, false reports were spread about a number of people, for example about the top candidate of the Greens, Ms. (Annalena) Baerbock,” said Haldenwang. “All in all, one can say: campaigns like this didn’t catch on.”

Baerbock had positioned himself as the Greens’ candidate for Chancellor in the election campaign against the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline, which is supposed to deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany. While Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has not yet taken a clear position on this, Baerbock – to the displeasure of Russia – is also holding on to her rejection as Federal Foreign Minister and is promoting a value-based foreign policy.


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