Eric Woerth announces that he supports Emmanuel Macron, Christian Jacob asks him to leave LR: follow our direct policy

The “freedom convoy” is part of the presidential campaign

Emmanuel Macron’s energy policy is at the heart of the campaign on the eve of his expected announcements on the nuclear sector, with the Greens castigating his choices “obsolete”and while the “freedom convoy” divide the opposition.

The “freedom convoy”, which must “Ride in Paris” Saturday to protest against the vaccine pass, inspired by Canadian truckers blocking the center of the capital Ottawa, has already interfered in the campaign. They also want to protest against the rise in energy prices in recent months.

An interview in Release, another on LCI: the candidate of the Greens Yannick Jadot has multiplied the attacks against the energy policy of the president. It’s a “obsolete choice and the choice of fiasco”, he said, recalling the years of delay in commissioning the Flamanville EPR and the additional costs. He promises to “put the package on energy savings, deploy renewable energies, and gradually close down” nuclear power plants.

Marine Le Pen (RN) said on Europe 1 on Wednesday” to understand ” the movement of “freedom convoys” opposed to the vaccination pass, also calling on them to vote in the presidential election. “Uncontrolled globalization, without regulations, without limitations set by political power to protect populations, has made our societies into pressure cookers and the slightest event can blow the lid off”she pointed out.

She assured that her support was not “no recovery” and invited “Those who are scandalized by the vaccination past, by the terrible increase in [prix du] fuel “ at ” vote “. “Showing your anger, yes of course, alerting the authorities, yes of course, but when the time comes, and that’s once every five years, (…) it is the presidential election, it is at this time that the major orientations of our country are really decided. »

For his part, the leader of the Les Républicains deputies, Damien Abad, said on Franceinfo that he “didn’t believe in violence, in ukases. This convoy of freedoms is sometimes unfortunately a convoy of oppression”.

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