Epidemic indicators on the rise

The circulation of Covid-19 “is now intensifying very strongly in all the departments of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region”, announced this Friday the ARS, which called to respect “more than ever the barrier gestures, in particular the port of mask “.

“During the week of July 12 to 18, the incidence rate increased, reaching 96.7 / 100,000 inhabitants against 31.3 / 100,000 the previous week, especially in the departments of Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Landes and Pyrénées- Atlantic, ”said the Regional Health Agency in a press release. “The strongest increase” is observed in Charente-Maritime (+ 614%), according to her. “The positivity rate (3.5%) is also on the rise in all departments. The largest increases are observed in Charente-Maritime (+ 4.4 points), in Landes (+ 3.1 points), in Gironde (+ 2.5 points) and in Deux-Sèvres (+ 2.2 points ) ”, According to the same source.

Increase in screening

In addition, “the increase in incidence rates (234.1 / 100,000 inhabitants) and positivity (+ 3 points) among 15-44 year olds is accompanied by an increase in screening activity (2,747 tests per 100,000 inhabitants during the week of July 12 to 18 against 2,498 per 100,000 inhabitants the previous week), in the case of a population less vaccinated and more exposed to contamination, ”she adds. “In addition, the hospital follow-up shows a resumption of admissions to the intensive care unit,” the statement continued.

This is “a very worrying situation”, which is explained in particular “by a variant, the Delta variant, which is twice as contagious and which is transmitted very quickly” and by “a relaxation of barrier gestures”, underlined on France 3 the Deputy Director General of ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Hélène Junqua.

“More than ever, respecting barrier gestures, in particular wearing a mask when physical distancing is not possible and / or when operating in an enclosed space, involving high risks of contamination with the Delta variant, s’ imposes on all, insists the ARS.

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