Entry from risk areas: demands for stricter requirements

Status: 06/26/2021 11:13 a.m.

The proportion of the delta variant in Europe is increasing. The SPD politicians Schwesig and Lauterbach are now campaigning to significantly tighten the requirements for those returning to travel. Above all, you have virus variant areas in mind.

In Europe and Germany, there is growing concern about another wave of pandemics. Because the highly contagious delta variant of the corona virus is spreading more and more. Therefore, Germany will classify Portugal and Russia as special virus areas from Tuesday. This step results in a far-reaching ban on carriage and strict quarantine rules for travelers.

If the SPD politicians Manuela Schwesig and Karl Lauterbach have their way, those returning from vacation should have to be tested twice for the corona virus in the future. “International travel must not lead to more people becoming infected again and carrying the virus home,” said Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s head of government Schwesig of the “Rheinische Post”.

For all returnees from risk areas, it should therefore apply that they take a test at the beginning of their return and another after five days of quarantine. The federal government should change its ordinance accordingly or let the states decide for themselves.

“Travel embargo would be advisable”

Health expert Lauterbach also sees it that way. Anyone who comes to Germany from another country by car, ship or plane should have a negative test and five days later have to do another PCR test, he told the “Rheinische Post”. “Anyone who comes from a risk area or a virus variant area should remain in quarantine during this time,” demanded Lauterbach.

Because of the tense Corona situation in Great Britain, the SPD politician called for a travel ban for British people in the European Union. In view of the dramatic corona development in the United Kingdom in the middle of the main travel season, a travel embargo from the United Kingdom to Europe would be advisable.

It could not be that “in the last phase before the vaccination, the whole of Europe will be exposed to the Delta variant from England on vacation”. Despite a successful vaccination campaign, the delta variant is rampant in Great Britain.

14 days quarantine

Chancellor Angela Merkel warned shortly before the new classifications of a fourth corona wave in Germany on Friday. Germany has so far classified 14 countries as virus variant areas, including Great Britain. Portugal and Russia are now number 15 and 16.

The classification results in a transport ban for airlines, bus and train companies. You are only allowed to bring German citizens and foreigners residing in Germany across the border. For those who are allowed to enter, there is a strict 14-day quarantine obligation, which cannot be shortened by a test and also applies to those who have been completely vaccinated and recovered.

Highs in Portugal

With Portugal, for the first time in weeks, an EU country has been classified in the highest risk category. The decision should also be made by numerous German tourists who are either already on vacation in Portugal or have planned a trip there. With 1604 new corona infections within 24 hours, the highest value since February was registered in Portugal on Friday, according to the Ministry of Health.

In Russia, too, the corona situation has worsened dramatically in recent weeks. There were 20,300 new infections nationwide on Friday.

RKI classifies Portugal as a virus variant area

Reinhard Spiegelhauer, ARD Madrid, 6/26/2021 7:05 am

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