English city cancels New Year’s fireworks for love of a walrus

New Year’s Eve
Animal party crasher: English city cancels New Year’s Eve fireworks because of a walrus

Walrus Thor made himself comfortable in Scarborough

© SW Pix / Imago Images

In Scarborough, England, the fireworks on New Year’s Eve were canceled at short notice. The reason: A walrus had settled at the harbor and only disappeared when it was already too late.

Welcome the new year with bangers and fireworks? Nothing came of this in the English coastal town of Scarborough. Shortly before 4 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, the city administration officially announced via Twitter: The party is cancelled. The reason for this was an animal party crasher – a walrus.

According to a report by the British television channel “Sky News”, the animal was stranded in the port, had made itself comfortable there on the quay and did not want to vacate its place with the best will in the world. Scarborough was faced with a difficult decision: go through with the fireworks as planned or be considerate of the walrus? The administration ultimately decided to listen to expert advice and call off the fireworks.

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The banging and bright lights caused too much stress for the walrus, it said. The population was also asked to leave the animal alone. That only happened halfway: numerous onlookers gathered at the harbor to inspect the walrus – if there were no fireworks. The troublemaker was apparently not aware of any guilt and seemed to enjoy the attention.

Incidentally, the Scarborough walrus is no stranger: According to animal rights activists, it is an animal called Thor, which normally lives in the North Sea and has often attracted attention. It is said to have appeared three weeks ago on the south coast near Hampshire – almost 500 kilometers from Scarborough.

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Irony of fate: Only about an hour after the city administration canceled the fireworks, Thor apparently had enough and is said to have said goodbye to the North Sea again. Actually, the New Year’s Eve party could have taken place as planned – but by then it was too late.

Sources: Sky News / BBC / Scarborough Borough Council on Twitter

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