Energy transition – In Neubiberg, heat is the decisive factor – District of Munich

It is becoming increasingly clear: in order to achieve the energy turnaround, the community of Neubiberg must focus primarily on the heat supply. The municipality is taking part in the “Implementation Program ++”, a project initiated by the district, in which the district’s data on energy use is to be broken down to the municipality and potential for development to be identified. In connection with this, the municipality had two technical talks with the energy agency Ebersberg-Munich and the company Eniano GmbH, which offers software solutions for energy planning, among other things. “It became clear relatively quickly that our focus was on the heat sector,” said Birgit Buchinger, head of environmental protection in the municipality, now in the planning committee. The district’s greenhouse gas report has shown that more than 50 percent of the final energy requirement in Neubiberg is caused by heat.

In order to get closer to the municipality’s goal of being climate-neutral by 2040 at the latest, the committee, on the recommendation of the experts, initially decided on three measures, all of which can be funded. A specialist company is now to be commissioned with a partial energy utilization plan on the subject of heat. As Sabine Hillbrand from the Energy Agency explained, the topic is “more complex”. One reason is that individual areas in the municipality, such as the Bundeswehr University and the Infineon campus, are connected to district heating, while others are not.

24 roofs on municipal buildings are suitable for photovoltaics

So now a detailed concept is to be created that considers the areas differently. The experts do not see district heating as the sole solution, as they explained in response to questions from the committee. Ground-level geothermal energy should also be considered where grid-connected solutions are not possible or not economical. The representative of the Eniano company also brought up the idea of ​​initially using a gas combined heat and power plant with the aim of achieving a district heating connection at the Munich public utility company.

An even larger measure that the committee wants to assign to a specialist office on the recommendation of the experts is the so-called pioneer concept, with which the integrated climate protection concept of the community is to be updated. In it, measures are to be bundled in a climate protection timetable for Neubiberg. Not only the concept, but also the position of a climate protection manager can be funded. The municipality has already announced this.

Another focus will be on an energy concept for installing roof-top photovoltaic systems on communal properties. A specialist office should also be commissioned with this. The energy agency and the company Eniano have named 24 municipal roofs on which the installation of systems should be examined. These include the fire brigade building and the funeral parlor. As part of the energy concept, the potential use of electricity and the possible networking of properties should be examined, among other things. Mayor Thomas Pardeller (CSU) welcomed the decision: “It is important so that we know what we have to do and can implement it quickly.”

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