Energy prices: Merz for lower fuel taxes

energy prices
Merz for lower fuel taxes

The new CDU chairman Friedrich Merz. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

CDU leader Friedrich Merz is calling for relief, such as that introduced by Poland: Taxes on petrol and diesel are to be reduced.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz is campaigning for a reduction in fuel taxes in view of the sharp rise in energy prices. “The new federal government could curb the massive rise in energy costs by reducing state taxes,” said Merz of the “Bild am Sonntag”.

Referring to the reduction in taxes on petrol and diesel, he added: “That would be an option that would immediately relieve millions of commuters.” To relieve people, Poland had reduced VAT on fuel from 23 to 8 percent on February 1st.

ADAC Traffic President Gerhard Hillebrand called for the immediate increase in the commuter allowance from the first kilometer to 38 cents per kilometer. “The burden of the immensely increased fuel prices threatens to mean that many commuters can no longer afford to drive to work,” Hillebrand told the “Bild am Sonntag”. Since the beginning of the year, the flat rate has been 35 cents per kilometer from the 21st kilometer. In 2024, it is expected to rise to 38 cents.

Merz, who is also aiming to chair the CDU and CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, also indicated that he would not oppose the planned increase in the minimum wage to twelve euros per hour. “Twelve euros are not an inappropriate minimum wage,” said the CDU boss. Politicians must stay out of other wage rounds. “There must be no party-political outbidding competition when it comes to wage determination. That must remain the task of the collective bargaining parties,” warned Merz.


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