Energy Crisis: Sustainable Dancing – Nightclub Heats Rooms with Waste Heat from Guests (Video)

Watch the video: Sustainable dancing – nightclub heats rooms with the help of guests.

STORY: It is well known that things can get hot on the dance floor in a club or discotheque. And not only in terms of dancing, but also energetically: a single body can generate hundreds of watts of waste heat during a dance evening. Heat that has to be conducted out of a crowded room and then usually escapes unused. This club in Glasgow, Scotland wants to change that. A system collects the rising heat from the dancers, stores it and releases it later when this or other rooms need to be heated. The thermal heating and cooling system stores the energy via 12 boreholes 200 meters deep in the rocky subsoil. It can be accessed there again the next day, next month or next year. Geothermal geologist David Walls helped develop the system. “A lot of nightclubs are now using air conditioning to capture heat and direct it away from the dance floor. And when they have something to heat, they turn on the gas burner. And that’s what we’ve intercepted here.” The system, called BodyHeat, is installed in several areas of the venue and makes it possible to permanently switch off the previous gas heating.

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