Energiewende: Now Tennet is also putting pressure on it – Bavaria

The network operator Tennet and the Association of Bavarian Business (VBW) are putting pressure on the state government in terms of the energy transition. According to a position paper that Tennet boss Tim Meyerjürgens and VBW boss Bertram Brossardt have now presented, if the Free State wants to become climate-neutral by 2040, not only would renewable energies have to be significantly expanded. Instead, the heating systems would have to be converted to regenerative energy sources, innumerable buildings would have to be energetically renovated and the traffic transition to electromobility would have to be achieved. In order for all of this to succeed, an overall concept is necessary.

The climate protection goals could only be achieved “if we understand the energy turnaround as a system turnaround,” said the Tennet boss. As a network operator in northern and southern Germany, everything will be done “so that our system can cope with future requirements”. Tennet will ensure “that Bavaria remains a strong industrial location”. For a rapid expansion of the power grids, the Tennet boss called for the modernization and acceleration of the approval process. Tennet is making good progress with his projects. But approval periods of up to ten years are far too long. Tennet is one of the leading network operators in Europe. In Bavaria, the company is responsible, among other things, for the SuedLink and SuedOstLink electricity highways, which will one day transport wind power from northern Germany to the Free State.

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