“Endearing and respectful”… Who was Nessim Ramdane, the VTC driver shot dead by a teenager?

Drug trafficking has claimed a new innocent victim in Marseille. Nessim Ramdane, a 37-year-old VTC driver, was shot in cold blood this Friday with a bullet in the neck by a very young 14-year-old killer when he refused to lead him to commit his crime. A child from the northern districts, Nessim Ramdane fled this environment, too often toxic when not deadly, to settle two years ago with his family in social housing in Saint-Zacharie, a small Var town located in about thirty kilometers east of Marseille.

Since then, tributes have multiplied, particularly in the amateur world of Provençal football where Nessim Ramdane’s qualities as a player and man were widely recognized: “Nessim was a person with a big heart and an outstanding player”, expressed on Facebook L’Etoile Sportive Fosséennethe Fos-sur-Mer club where Nessim played between 2016 and 2018.

He was studying for a football coaching diploma

From Endoume to Gignac, from Consolat to Saint-Zacharie and up to Six-Fours for this season, Nessim had played among the best amateur clubs in the region. At 37, and just as his career was on the downward slope, he was in the process of obtaining a football instructor’s certificate (BMF), a diploma allowing him to coach for pay. “You were such a good person, […] I am really sad about your sudden disappearance when we were all supposed to see each other for graduation,” regrets Kali, a player from Mazargues with whom Nessim took the BMF. “We are losing a man with a big heart, a great dad, a faithful friend,” paid tribute to the Var district.

In addition to his passion for football, Nessim worked multiple jobs to support his family. He had created two micro-enterprisesin energy consulting and mail order sales and had therefore also started as a VTC driver for the Bolt platform.

New face of the blind violence of narcos

His former club Fos also describes an “endearing and respectful” man, with a “strong character”. A character which led him to oppose the “unprecedented savagery”, denounced by the Marseille prosecutor Nicolas Bessone, of the “baby killers” and their sinister employers in the Marseille networks.

Nessim Ramdane leaves behind his wife and three children: eleven-year-old twins and a four-year-old daughter. And the memory of a man who wanted to live for his passion by offering his family a living environment that he had not had the chance to have in his childhood. He has become yet another victim of the cold, blind and absurd violence of Marseille drug traffickers.

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