End of the mask and the vaccine pass… Do you consider the lifting of restrictions premature? Tell yourself

Like a taste of freedom finally found! Two years after the start of the pandemic, France will lift the last anti-Covid health restrictions on March 14. From Monday, it will be the end of the vaccination pass and the obligation to wear the mask in all closed public places (except in public transport and certain health establishments). A measure announced a few days ago by the head of government, Jean Castex.

In practice, children in class and adults at work will finally be able to remove their masks. And unvaccinated people will be able, after many months, to go again to restaurants, cafes, cinemas and other places hitherto accessible on presentation of their vaccine sesame. Rather encouraging news, a sign of an ebbing Covid-19 epidemic. But that does not reassure the most cautious, not ready for this return to the old world deemed too premature, when still more than 50,000 daily contaminations have been recorded on average over the last seven days.

Is this your case? Do you think it is still too early to lift the obligation to wear the mask and present a vaccination pass? Why you think ? What are you planning to do ? Will you continue to wear it to work? If so, why ? On the other hand, are you happy about the end of the compulsory mask in your children’s classes or not? Will you also wear it in shops and places hitherto subject to the vaccination pass? Tell us.

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