Emmanuel Macron wants to “put pressure” on “rich non-European countries” in terms of climate

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11:19 a.m. : For Greenpeace spokesperson Clement Senechal “France should do everything except pose as a lesson giver” while Emmanuel Macron claims to want “put pressure on rich non-European countries to tell them to pay their share”. The position taken by the French president is “absolutely toxic”, affirms Clément Sénéchal who notes that “France is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions far too slowly to meet its targets”.

10:19 : This mechanism of international taxation does not work, according to Emmanuel Macron, “that if everyone holds on, otherwise there are escape points, and the guys will pollute and find tax havens elsewhere”. He therefore puts forward the idea of ​​a “minimum tax, not statewide”but through “a system of international cooperation”.

10:19 : “The real subject facing companies” whose profits come from fossil fuels “it is the mechanism of international taxation”, argues Emmanuel Macron, during an exchange with young people committed to the climate, before the opening of COP27 in Egypt.

(Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)

10:00 a.m. : “We found that the appointments were not kept despite some efforts”points out the President of the Republic of Senegal, Macky Sall, on franceinfoon the sidelines of COP27. “Since 2020, the community had committed to investing 100 billion dollars per year, until 2030. We do not yet have the first 100 billion. While Africa alone has a need estimated by the IPCC of 85 billion per year by 2030, to be able to meet the objectives of reducing the temperature of the planet to less than 1.5°C”he specified in particular.

The President of the Republic of Senegal, Macky Sall, on June 9, 2022 in Paris.  (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)(STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

09:20 : Last Wednesday, the Prime Minister activated 49.3 to have the 2023 budget adopted by the National Assembly, eliminating 12 billion euros for the thermal renovation of buildings. It is an act of extreme gravity that pushes us towards the precipice. https://t.co/oFGmctzOzq

09:20 : 9:04 a.m. – Motorists tear down the banners and try to move the blockers themselves. #a22network #COP27 https://t.co/BEBde8NkrA

09:19 : [ACTION EN COURS]A dozen Last Renovation citizens have been blocking the Paris ring road near the 14th arrondissement since 9 a.m. this morning. #A22Network #COP27 https://t.co/GNlZtBlKgS

09:24 : Activists from the environmental collective Last Renovation have been blocking the Paris ring road for 9 hours, near the 14th arrondissement. While the eyes of the whole world are riveted on yet another COP from which citizens no longer hope for anything, Last Renovation demands of the French government to act as soon as possible to curb the climate catastrophe and condemns its criminal inaction.writes the collective on its Twitter account.

09:16 : Arrival of @EmmanuelMacron in Egypt for the @Cop27. Meeting with young people. Faced with the financial compensation requested by poor countries to compensate for climatic disasters, the President wants to respond with concrete actions, for example for forests. https://t.co/43Q4GeZnEk

09:14 : Emmanuel Macron considers that “The only way to avoid more loss and damage for others and disasters in countries is to reduce our emissions” of greenhouse gases. He assures that “Europe and France are keeping their objectives”. The Head of State calls “the major emerging countries” at “get out of coal as soon as possible”.

09:13 : It’s necessary “put pressure on rich non-European countries to tell them to pay their share” in terms of helping poor countries deal with global warming, said Emmanuel Macron this morning, during an exchange with young people committed to the climate, before the opening of COP27 in Egypt.

(Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)

09:11 : Let’s take a look at the news:

Some 110 heads of state and government are due to speak today and tomorrow at the COP27 podium in Sharm e-Sheikh (Egypt). With current policies, a catastrophic rise of 2.8°C compared to the pre-industrial era is looming, according to the UN. Follow our live.

A judged situation “unpublished” : the Senate dominated by the right-wing opposition today begins the examination in first reading of the Social Security draft budget for 2023hit with a 49.3 in the National Assembly after a series of setbacks for the government.

Americans are called to the polls tomorrow to renew the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. In this article, we explain how Donald Trump is trying to return to the forefront of the political scene during the midterm elections.

09:09 : “We do the job, but we are not perfect.”

“Nope” it is not the failure of ecologists, “I’ve had it up to here” that environmentalists are singled out for climate inaction, reacts Yannick Jadot on franceinfo, while the objectives defined 7 years ago in Paris, within the framework of COP21, are still not respected.

08:14 : ♻️🗣 “I have the feeling that we are going from COP to COP and that it becomes a kind of television chestnut tree.” @ManonAubryFr, MEP LFI, specifies that this COP is sponsored by Coca-Cola, Egyptair and Microsoft.📺 #franceinfo channel 27 @ABouilhaguet #COP27 https://t.co/6Wcgrt7Tab

08:21 : “It’s hard to know what to expect from this COP, the last ones have been so disappointing”believes MEP LFI Manon Aubry, on the set of franceinfo.

07:54 : Le Figaro looks at the challenges of this 27th climate conference for the countries of the African Union. “Africa represents less than 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and one in two people has access to electricity, but it is the continent that suffers the most damage from climate change!”, points the daily. The continent is calling for more money to deal with the damages.

07:54 : The world title on the opening of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, “which puts the Egyptian president at the center of the international scene”. Annoyed that the international media focuses on human rights violations, “the regime wants to show that it continues to embody stability, while presenting a beautiful image of the country”analyzes Mustapha Kamel Al-Sayed, professor of political science at Cairo University.

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