Emmanuel Macron shells the left and postpones the battle against the RN to the second round

Emmanuel Macron is asked by his allies to remain silent. But the head of state wants to speak. This Tuesday, June 18, again, from the Petit Victor Hugo brasserie in 16e district of Paris, the President of the Republic has things to say to journalists. In front of an audience of around ten editors from the regional daily press (PQR), the head of state castigates the“spirit of defeat” which paralyzes part of its troops. His decision to dissolve the National Assembly ten days earlier left a bitter taste among elected officials in his camp who fear being wiped off the map. A wave of extreme right is sweeping the country and it is to fight against “this rising water” and not get stuck in the “ contemplation of disaster » that the president, he repeats, wanted to dissolve the Assembly.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers “Spirit of defeat”, “anything”: Emmanuel Macron’s anger against his advisors

In front of a tartar and fries, Emmanuel Macron prefers to shoot his arrows against the left and the New Popular Front, this union combining La France insoumise (LFI) with the Socialist Party, ecologists and communists. “On the societal question, look at the program, they are proposing that we can change gender in town hall! »he chokes as reported in the newspaper South West on June 19. “ It’s in their project. That’s a vision of society, it’s not mine. “, he continues, before flying to the island of Sein (Finistère). On Breton lands, the Head of State will still insist on this subject of “sex change” in town hall, an idea “ubiquitous”he took offense in front of a retired couple, before accusing the New Popular Front of defending a “immigrationist policy”. Rhetoric borrowed from the far right.

“Macron has chosen his side. For him, the national authoritarian is better than the Popular Front”squeaks on François Ruffin, former deputy for the Somme of La France insoumise. “We were waiting for Jupiter, we had Nero », engages the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, on RTL. “It goes out of the box. Through his words, we see the image that Emmanuel Macron has of the French people: French and homophobic. Gaspard Gantzer, former communicator for socialist president François Hollande, is still frightened.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers On the island of Sein, Emmanuel Macron joins the campaign and castigates the New Popular Front

The Elysée tempers. Marlène Schiappa, former Secretary of State responsible for equality between men and women, was urgently dispatched to the BFM-TV set on Wednesday June 19 to defend the president who allowed PMA for all. “We misunderstood”the point was “taken out of context”she said in substance.

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