Emmanuel Macron refutes controversy over security guarantees to Russia

Do not “create controversy where there is none”. This Tuesday, at the EU-Balkans summit in Tirana, Emmanuel Macron refuted any controversy after his remarks on future security guarantees to be provided to Russia, which were poorly received in kyiv and in eastern Europe. “I have always said the same thing, that is to say that at the end, in the peace talks, there will be territorial subjects on Ukraine and they belong to the Ukrainians and there will be subjects of collective security throughout the region,” he added.

“It’s the same thing I’ve been saying from the beginning, the same thing that we worked on by the way in February, March and which were discussed,” he continued, referring to attempts , in particular on his part during a meeting with Vladimir Putin on February 7 in the Kremlin.

Accused of indulgence vis-à-vis Russia

“One of the essential points is the fear that NATO will come to its doors, it is the deployment of weapons which can threaten Russia”, he then explained on TF1.

His statements have drawn criticism in Ukraine and in some of the countries of Eastern Europe which have particularly firm postures vis-à-vis Russia and accuse Emmanuel Macron of being too lenient or of making too many overtures. vis-à-vis Moscow.

“Someone wants to provide security guarantees to a terrorist and murderous state? launched the secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Oleksiï Danilov, on Twitter, speaking of “carpet diplomacy”.

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