Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, abstention… Who voted for whom?

Tell me who you are, I’ll tell you who you vote for. Emmanuel Macron was re-elected on Sunday at the head of the country with 58.54% of the vote, against 41.46% for his rival Marine Le Pen, according to the final results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior. Abstention rose to 28.01%, against 26.31% in the first round of the presidential election on April 10.

At 44, the head of state has won the bet of becoming the first outgoing president reappointed outside cohabitation since the adoption of direct universal suffrage in 1962. But Emmanuel Macron is far from having convinced all French people . Young people, retirees, workers, executives, unemployed… Who voted for him? Who gave Marine Le Pen her voice? And who decided to abstain? 20 minutes make the point.

Emmanuel Macron seduces the wealthiest and most educated

According to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria* survey for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24, parliamentary channels and The Parisian, Emmanuel Macron has especially succeeded in convincing the youngest and the oldest. They are 61% of 18 to 24 year olds, 59% of 60-69 year olds and 71% of 70 year olds and over to have voted for him.

In terms of social categories, Emmanuel Macron has won over the wealthiest and most educated. Thus, 74% of voters with three or more years of education opted for the Head of State, 58% among Bac + 2. Managers (77%), intermediate professions (59%) and retirees (68%) also largely voted for the outgoing. Voters with a net monthly income (per household) of more than 3,000 euros are 65% to have chosen Emmanuel Macron, against 44% for those earning less than 1,250 euros net per month.

“I know that many French people voted for me not for my ideas but to block those of the far right,” said Emmanuel Macron at the Champ de Mars. Indeed, the Head of State has largely benefited from the postponement of votes by recovering 65% of Yannick Jadot’s voters in the first round, 53% of those of Valérie Pécresse and 42% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s supporters.

On the party side, almost all supporters of the Socialist Party (91%) and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (91%) gave their votes to Emmanuel Macron, as did 69% of Republicans and 59% of Insoumis.

Marine Le Pen in the lead among workers and low wages

With more than 41% of the vote, Marine Le Pen achieved the best score ever achieved by a far-right candidate for the Elysée. According to the Ipsos survey, the National Rally candidate found her voters, among voters, among 50-59 year olds (51%), 25-34 year olds (49%) and 35-49 year olds. (47%). On the other hand, only 29% of voters aged 70 and over slipped a ballot for her.

In terms of socio-professional categories, it is mainly among workers (67%), but also employees (57%), that Marine Le Pen received the most votes. Conversely, the candidate captured only 23% of the votes of executives.

Voters earning less than 1,250 euros net monthly (per household) are 56% to have voted for it, against 35% for those earning more than 3,000 euros. Marine Le Pen also collected 64% of the votes of job seekers who voted. Regarding studies, 52% of people who did not continue their studies after the baccalaureate gave their votes to Marine Le Pen, against 26% for those who had studied for three years or more.

As expected, a majority of Eric Zemmour’s voters in the first round gave their vote to the RN candidate (73%), against 18% for those of Valérie Pécresse and 17% for those of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. According to partisan sympathy, Marine Le Pen won the votes of 93% of supporters of Reconquest!, 41% of supporters of La France insoumise and 31% of LR-UDI supporters.

Strong abstention from left-wing voters

With 28% of those registered who did not vote, abstention also played a key role on Sunday. And still according to the Ipsos survey, those who voted the least are the youngest: 41% of 18-24 year olds, 38% of 25-34 year olds and 35% of 35-49 year olds, against 15% for 70 years and over.

Moreover, it is the retirees who abstained the least (16%). Among executives, intermediate professions and workers, 33% did not go to vote, and 31% among employees. On the other hand, abstention varies very little according to the level of education: it is 28% among voters with the baccalaureate or less, 27% among voters with Bac +3 and more and 30% among holders a Bac + 2 level diploma.

In terms of remuneration, it is those who earn the least who abstain the most. They are 40% of those registered to earn less than 1,250 euros net monthly (per household) not to have voted, 32% for those between 1,250 and 2,000 euros, and 22% among those above 3,000 euros. They are 38% of unemployed voters to have abstained, against 33% of employees and 27% of self-employed workers.

Unsurprisingly, it is on the left that abstention is highest: 24% of voters who voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round did not vote, against 16% for those of Yannick Jadot, 15% for those of Valérie Pécresse and 14% for those of Eric Zemmour. More broadly, supporters of La France insoumise are those with the most abstentionists (43%), ahead of those who have no partisan sympathy (40%).

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*Survey carried out between Thursday and Saturday, among 4,000 people registered on the electoral lists, constituting a representative sample of the French population aged 18 and over.

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