Emmanuel Macron brings together the social partners on Thursday before an EU summit

Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace, November 12, 2020 (illustration) – Ludovic Marin / AP / SIPA

To prepare for the next stages of “social Europe”, which will be debated at a European summit in Porto (Portugal) from May 6 to 8, Emmanuel Macron brings together, this Thursday morning, the main employers and union officials, announced the Elysee this Wednesday.

On the union side, Laurent Berger (CFDT), Philippe Martinez CGT), Yves Veyrier (FO), François Hommeril (CFE-CGC) and Cyril Chabanier (CFTC) will be present and on the employers side Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux for the Medef, François Asselin for the CPME and Dominique Métayer for U2P (Union of local businesses).

Involve the social partners

Prime Minister Jean Castex, Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne and Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune will also participate in this meeting at the Elysee Palace. It is, according to the presidency, that “the social partners are involved in the construction of the social Europe of tomorrow”, which the leaders of the 27 will discuss at the summit organized by Portugal, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU. in the first semester.

The previous “social summit”, which was held in Göteborg (Sweden) in November 2017, led to “significant progress” according to the Elysee, in particular with the adoption of the European directive on posted workers.

“Reduce conflictuality” in France

In Gothenburg, Emmanuel Macron declared that the French social model should be inspired by Sweden to succeed in “creating a consensus” between social partners, who must “get out of their wars of positions”. It is necessary to “reduce the conflictuality” in France, had wished the president, sometimes accused of neglecting the dialogue with the intermediary bodies.

Thursday’s meeting “testifies to the President’s attachment to social dialogue, which is a key element in the fight against the crisis as well as in the revival and adaptation to changes in the labor market, both at national and national level. European ”, underlines the Elysee. These questions will be one of the challenges of the French presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022, adds the presidency.

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