Emilia Fester: What makes the youngest member of the Bundestag an attractive figure

At 24, Emilia Fester is the youngest member of the Bundestag. For many political opponents it is a provocation. During her first year in the Bundestag, she learned a lot – for example, how to take better care of herself.

Playing AfD is easy. You just have to rant. When the team of Green MP Emilia Fester practices her speech for the Bundestag, press spokesman Paul Bomhard takes over this role. Fester is just praising the Fridays for Future climate movement when Bomhard interjects: “Insolence!” Behind the desk, which is slightly crooked, Fester is undeterred: “In addition to the loud voice on the street, let’s also give them a vote at the ballot box!” Applause from her two employees, who play FDP and Greens in this semi-circle. A miniature plenary hall, improvised in Fester’s office in Berlin. Leftovers of a vegan burger, plums, nuts and chocolates are on the table. It’s already getting dark outside.

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