EM-2024: Two taxi drivers sing the secret anthem of the tournament

Lovely & Monty
Two taxi drivers sing the secret anthem of the Euro 2024

Lovely & Monty have recorded their own song for the European Championship 2024

© youtube.com/@lmbhangu

Two brothers from India may have written the hit of the 2024 European Championship: Lovely & Monty are actually taxi drivers – but on the side they produce music that simply puts you in a good mood.

This groove is infectious and leaves hardly anyone unmoved: A song that could become the secret anthem of the football summer is currently finding many fans on YouTube. It is called “This European Championship 2024” and comes from two brothers who come from come from India, live in Hamburg and actually earn their money as taxi drivers.

They call themselves Lovely & Monty, and in the accompanying video you can see the two middle-aged men wearing national jerseys and a Schland flower necklace around their necks singing and dancing in front of the Outer Alster. Monty is wearing a Dastar, the turban of the Sikhs, and Monti is wearing a cowboy hat in the German national colors.

“This European Championship 2024” puts you in a good mood

Their appearance alone conveys the message of their song: “This European Championship in Germany,” they sing, “will be very colorful.” People standing around are infected by this – there is laughter and dancing in the clip. In between, you can see the two of them driving through Hamburg in their taxi.

The song is dressed in a sound that is called Punjabi music because of its origins in the northern Indian province of Punjab: the whole track is based on a two-tone melody of the Tumbi – a type of lute that only has one string. A contemporary groove is laid over it – and the irresistible sound is complete.

For the lyrics, the brothers have delved into football history. “We were champions three times,” they say – and allude to the European Championship titles won in 1972, 1980 and 1996. But it won’t stop there. “Now we have to repeat – home advantage,” the two sing in broken German.

Lovely & Monty continue to drive taxis

The brothers came to Germany from India 36 years ago. They have been making music for a long time: in 2010 they recorded their own music for the first time. They called their style “Dollywood” back then – a mixture of German and Bollywood. They produced their own song for several tournaments – this time they seem to have hit the mark.

But despite their viral hit, the two will continue to drive taxis on Hamburg’s streets. One question, they revealed in conversation with NDRpassengers would often ask them: “Where’s your brother?” Then you would have to explain every time that it’s impossible to drive a taxi with two people – there are no two steering wheels. But making music – that works very well with two people, as Lovely & Monty prove with “This EM 2024”. And dancing to it – that works even better!

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