Elton John: Concert in Mannheim on Saturday canceled

Concert in Mannheim on Saturday canceled

Elton John had to cancel the planned concert of his farewell tour in Mannheim “with great regret”.

© Tony Norkus/Shutterstock

Elton John will not perform in Mannheim on Saturday. In order to be able to continue his tour, a doctor has prescribed him a break.

Disappointment for all fans who were looking forward to Elton John’s (76) performance in Mannheim. On Friday, the concert agency BB Promotion announced that the musician’s concert on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at the SAP Arena will not take place. “It is with great regret that Elton John has to announce that tomorrow’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road concert in Mannheim […] was cancelled”, it says in the statement.

The doctor ordered him to rest

After coming off the stage on Thursday evening, he felt uncomfortable. It has now been confirmed that he has contracted a “viral syndrome”. A doctor therefore prescribed Elton John a rest period of 48 hours so that he could complete the rest of his farewell tour as planned. Next up is a gig in Cologne on Tuesday, May 16th.

It goes on to say that the superstar is devastated as he hates letting his fans down. I fully understand the disappointment and inconvenience this causes. With the explanation, he let his fans know “that this decision was not taken lightly”. Ticket holders could return their tickets to the advance booking office where they were purchased.


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