Ellen DeGeneres disappeared from TV – now she’s back

Netflix: “For Your Approval”
Ellen DeGeneres disappeared from TV two years ago – now she’s back

Ellen DeGeneres stands on a stage and holds a microphone in her hand

Ellen DeGeneres as a comedienne: Even old-fashioned jokes work

© Wilson Webb / Picture Alliance

Ellen DeGeneres was one of the biggest entertainers on American television. Then she was kicked out. Now she can be seen as a comedienne.

Performs in front of a full house Ellen DeGeneres on stage. But this time not as a courted hostess, but as a woman who tells supposedly unpleasant stories from her life. Like how difficult it is to park. The prejudiced phenomenon isn’t new, but when a celebrity like DeGeneres reports on it, audiences cheer even before the punch line – at least in the new Netflix film “For Your Appoval.”

It’s supposed to be her last performance as a stand-up comedienne, but with all the applause, you might not believe it. After a few jokes about her chickens, DeGenneres gets down to business: “I was kicked out of show business. Because I was mean. No mean people in show business. I’m out.” The first line she read about it? She was “the meanest person in America.” The worst thing about it, however, was that she didn’t even receive a prize for it. For 17 years she was described in surveys as “one of the most trustworthy people”. And then this.

Ellen DeGeneres always said: “Be kind to each other”

On “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the host always said goodbye with kind words. In her comedy show she wonders whether she shouldn’t have said “Go fuck yourself.” But ultimately questions like these seem like rhetoric. No joke is new, no question is original.

The US magazine The Altantic summed up Ellen’s status aptly: “When DeGeneres takes the stage, viewers at home may already feel that she is more interested in sympathy than laughter. The comedian may be joking about her expulsion from Hollywood, but it’s clear how hurt she feels. And when it comes to admitting her mistakes, DeGeneres has a hard time finding the humor she needs.

Source:“The Atlantic”.

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