“Elizabeth II is a historical figure, but her offspring… They’re just people”

What’s the point of watching a series whose ending we know? This is, in essence, what many fans of The Crown thought after the death of Elizabeth II, Queen of England, whose fate the Netflix series has been following for four seasons already.

Wednesday, November 9, however, arrives season 5 of The Crown. We discover the dark years of the monarchy, starting with 1992, the queen’s annus horribilis. Will follow the divorce of Charles and Diana, and probably the fatal accident of the Princess of Wales…

Better understand the monarchy

A month after the funeral with great pomp of Elizabeth II, for which the media made a lot of reports, documentaries and other live broadcasts, could it be that the public is tired of the queen?

Not if we are to believe the testimonies of Internet users from 20 minutes, massively enthusiastic about the idea of ​​discovering this penultimate season of the series. “The series has been great from the start. And even if there is a part of fiction, it allowed me to better understand the British monarchy, its history, and the role of the queen, explains Gabrielle. We get attached to the woman she was by discovering what she has been through, the straitjacket that was her life…”

The story and the people

If the praise of Internet users rains down on Elizabeth II and The Crown, the “media”, they take for their rank. “You made crates of them for the funeral and that frankly didn’t have much interest, Timotée tackle. We ate hours of live without interest, while the life of Elizabeth II deserved better than that. »

Same story with Nathalie. “Elizabeth II is a historical figure, it is normal that there are documentaries and analyzes on her life. The Crown, it’s smart entertainment, so that’s fine. But all the articles on the offspring of the queen, it’s people, it has no interest. »

No The Crown without Elizabeth

In short, Internet users are fed up with articles on Harry and Meghan, on King Charles’s pen, on Kate’s dresses, but still love Elizabeth II so much. “Frankly, since she is no longer there, I lose interest in all that, confides Stéphanie. I read the articles about the royal family, I’m not ashamed to say it, but I understand that what interested me was her. When Diana died, I thought of her. When William got married, I thought of her. When Harry left, I thought of her…”

Whether or not they have seen the series The Crownthe majority of Internet users 20 minutes agree on the fact that it will be difficult for King Charles to arouse the same international interest as his mother. “He doesn’t look bad but it’s hard to get attached to him, says Juliette. He’s younger, but he looks older than the queen. With him, the Crown is suddenly showing its age…”

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