Elisabeth Borne, a “techno” who will play her survival in Calvados

In the hell of Matignon and soon in the electoral arena. Elisabeth Borne was appointed Prime Minister Monday evening by Emmanuel Macron. The former Minister of Labor now has a few hours to compose her government and tackle the first reforms, in particular the implementation of the food check in a context of high inflation. But at the same time, it will have to fight the battle for the legislative elections, scheduled for June 12 and 19. A high-risk challenge especially since on this ballot, the old “techno” is playing its skin.

“It’s brave, she dares to take this risk”

It’s tradition: as head of government, Elisabeth Borne’s mission is to obtain a majority in the National Assembly. But those around him quickly confirmed that the former prefect also maintained her candidacy in the 6th district of Calvados. “If I’m involved in Calvados it’s because I have a lot of memories there, it’s my whole story, it’s my whole family, my whole childhood”, she said at the beginning of the month. The candidate reminded anyone who will listen that her grandfather had been mayor of Livarot, a local town, supposed to evacuate any parachute trial.

“When you love politics, you have a vocation to confront the vote. In addition to her skills and her fine professional career, this approach legitimizes her even more in her role as leader of the majority, ”says Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for En Marche and candidate in the Hauts-de-Seine. A way, also to sweep the first attacks on his profile as a high-ranking official who has never faced the vote of the voters. Because Elisabeth Borne had already considered running for municipal elections in 2020, in Caenthen to 2021 regional elections in Normandy. But without ever going to the end. “This candidacy positively distinguishes her from the alleged leader of the opposition [Jean-Luc Mélenchon, pas candidat aux législatives] who dreams of Matignon. I hear a lot of indelicacy from the opposition, which intends to replace her in a month. But she dares to take this risk. It’s courageous on his part, ”says Sacha Houlié, LREM deputy new candidate in Vienne.

“There is not on one side the technos and on the other the people in the field”

A “risky” bet because a personal defeat in June would undoubtedly put an end to his ambitions. In 2017, the Elysée had thus announced that the ministers beaten in their constituency should resign from their post. A rule already enacted in 2007, which had forced Alain Juppé to leave his position as number 2 in the governmentafter having lost a hair in his Bordeaux circo. In the opposition, we dream of subjecting the macronist to the same fate. “Elisabeth Borne embodies the worst of Emmanuel Macron’s anti-social reforms: the gradual privatization of the RATP, the SNCF reform, climate inaction and the terrible unemployment insurance. We therefore want to retire her in June, so that her term of office is as short as possible, ”says Noé Gauchard. The candidate Nupes (New Popular, Economic and Social Union), a 22-year-old student and environmental activist, finds himself propelled to the front line of the left’s fight against Emmanuel Macron. “It does not change the substance of our campaign, but this election is now becoming a symbol for the people of our constituency”, he adds, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon obtained only 18% of the votes there in April. latest.

Accustomed to ministerial offices and large companies, Elisabeth Borne will therefore have to fight as close as possible to the citizens. “There are not on one side the technos and on the other the people of the ground, one can like to have the hands in grease and also have the taste of the ground”, sweeps Maud Bregeon. “This is her case, a woman of records and an activist. I saw her during the campaign, she has a very easy contact with people, she is a simple and approachable woman. It’s a field techno, ”laughs the spokesperson. In good “techno”, the candidate did not choose the most difficult of battlefields. Five years ago, in the 6th circo of Calvados, the former LREM deputy Alain Tourret won easily in the second round against the FN candidate Jean-Philippe Roy, with more than 68% of the vote.

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