Ehrlich Brothers and other magical shows in June in Munich – Munich

Why hasn’t a magician ruled the world? Or let’s put it this way: who could stop the great illusionists, the masters of distraction and beautiful appearances? For example, who, like the Ehrlich Brothers If you can make the world’s largest candy jar appear on a stage and distribute its contents to cheering children, you can also have a few crosses cast into his boxes in closed ballot boxes… The telegenic brothers from Herford certainly have the masses under control, as demonstrated time and again in their own television shows in front of an audience of millions and also through their records: for example the “magic trick with the most viewers involved” (36,000 in Frankfurt in 2016) or the “longest fan letter in the world” (23 kilometers).

Anyone can read why this power is not going to work out in Sten Nadolny’s wonderful novel “The Magician’s Luck”: Although he is pretty good, can make himself invisible, fly or walk through walls, the great Pahroc does not manage to take out Hitler. At least being able to “make a long arm” (literally) helps him in everyday survival. David Copperfield could also confirm this, who once fooled four armed robbers about the contents of his wallet. And the magician Andreas Maier recently explained to SZ colleague Sabine Buchwald how to protect the Rolex on your wrist from pickpockets.

Show masters among themselves: Christian Ehrlich (l.) and Andreas Ehrlich in the ARD show “Do you understand fun?” with the presenter Barbara Schöneberger. (Photo: IMAGO/Frederic Kern/IMAGO/Future Image)

But perhaps magic should not have any practical use at all. After all, people want to be dazzled and amazed. For example, in the four events of the new program “Magic Storm” by the brothers with the show hairstyles in the Olympiahalle (14 to 16 June, Friday 6 p.m., Saturday 2 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.). There they want to “celebrate the world premiere of brand new illusions”: With a “world’s only hovercraft” (with 1000 hp jet turbines) they want to race over the heads of the audience; they want to meet Joe, one of the last unicorns; and shoot more than two cubic meters of popcorn into the crowd.

Popcorn and magic, that will also be the case in Circus Busch Roland The Bremen circus giant is setting up its red and white grand chapiteau next to the Riem Arcades to celebrate its 140-year-old, eventful history and its revival with a new program. There is not only Edi Laforte to marvel at with his dog revue and comedy acrobatics “Anno 1900”, but also an illusion show: Six “Las Vegas Magic Girls” are supposed to conjure people and objects away and appear “with a mystical lightness” (June 15 to July 7).

The upcoming show in GOP Variety Show wants to turn the guests’ heads: In “Multiverse” (July 11 to September 7), steampunk mental magicians Timothy Trust and Diamond Diaz swirl the dimensions until the audience asks themselves: “What year is it anyway? Are we really in the theater or are we in an alternate universe?”

Magical place to live: The image released by NASA shows the view of the earth from a satellite. Viewers of the Bavarian Radio’s “Space Night” love such images accompanied by spherical music. (Photo: Nasa’s Earth Observatory ; Noaa/dpa)

Anyone who has lost their footing must take off completely to see the earth again: The Space Night in Concert takes a “multimedia journey through space and time” at Circus Krone (Friday, 21 June)The co-founder of the BR night show Andreas Bönte says that the Munich Radio Orchestra plays spacey compositions from Gustav Holst’s “The Planets” and film music from “ET” and “Alien” and NASA, ESO, ESA and DLR provide images of space and the earth. Magical.

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