Education Minister Karliczek: “No guarantee for open schools”

Status: 06/26/2021 9:56 a.m.

Keeping schools open is one of the most important goals in the pandemic. However, a short period of teaching in schools could be followed by distance teaching after the holidays. Minister Karliczek does not rule out school closings.

In view of the spreading corona mutations, Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek does not rule out school closings in the coming school year either. In response to a corresponding question on RTL / ntv’s “Frühstart” program, the CDU politician said: “I am very optimistic that we can start well and that we can then (…) keep schools open for as long as possible “. No one could give a guarantee, she added. “Because we don’t know what these mutations that are on the move in the world are still going to do.”

Measures instead of distance learning

Compared to last summer, however, there are now the advantages of vaccination, tests and good hygiene concepts. The President of the German Teachers’ Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, told the “Rheinische Post” that the main goal of politics in Germany should be “to avoid a new phase of distance and alternating teaching. If additional health protection measures such as the mask requirement and regular Tests help to achieve this goal, then you should do that too. ”

The President of the Conference of Ministers of Education, Britta Ernst (SPD), told the newspaper: “The most important thing for the education ministers is that the schools start with full face-to-face teaching”. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder spoke out in favor of better preparing schools for autumn. Because should the number of infections rise again, the risk is different because of the ongoing vaccination campaign, he told “Münchner Merkur”: Because the Delta variant attacks less the elderly, but rather schoolchildren and students.

The seven-day incidence is 5.9

The pandemic currently seems to be under control: The health authorities in Germany reported 592 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. For comparison: a week ago the value was 1108 infections. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence nationwide as 5.9 (previous day: 6.2; previous week: 9.3). According to the information, 68 new deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 99 dead. However, politicians and experts have been warning for some time about the delta variant of the corona virus, which is spreading rapidly in many countries.

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