Ecumenical commemoration for flood victims – SWR Aktuell

Two months after the flood night, around 400 people in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler thought of the flood victims on Saturday. The mayor of Bad-Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Guido Orthen (CDU), had invited people to pause.

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“Today we want to pause again after almost ten weeks, in order to perhaps dare a little caesura. One more time to look back, to determine where we are and then to look forward cautiously, but with determination. That’s the point today Remembrance, thoughts and thanks, “said Orthen at the memorial ceremony in the spa gardens. Representatives of the Catholic and Protestant Church were also present at the event.

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A flood night changed Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

In Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler alone, 73 people lost their lives on the night of July 15. The thoughts were not only directed to them on Saturday, but also to all those who were injured in the flood disaster or who are still missing.

The spa park is a landmark of the city, says Orthen. It symbolizes the current status after the disaster: Here both the devastating consequences of the flood and the great progress made in the clean-up work are visible.

Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

After the flood in the Ahr valley with 133 deaths, many residents suffer from severe psychological stress. There is help for them through a new advisory service – in a mobile bus.

Remember the victims and prepare for winter

Nine weeks after the all-destructive tidal wave, the city is in the process of being rebuilt, Orthen had described the situation before the memorial event. You have to prepare for autumn and winter as quickly as possible and offer people a minimum level of well-being, but above all perspectives, says Orthen.


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