Eating fish: The WWF list shows which species are allowed on the plate

See the video: “Good fish” list – only twelve fish are allowed on the plate.

Our oceans are overfished in many places. According to the WWF, more than 35 percent of commercially exploited fish stocks worldwide are considered overfished and 57 percent are maximally exploited.
Fish stocks are shrinking, which is why the environmental protection organization, together with the Berlin consumer center and other organizations, have drawn up a list of which fish can still be eaten.
The “Good Fish” list only contains fish species that the experts have classified as “recommended” or “conditionally recommended”.
12 species are recommended, including Keta salmon and sockeye salmon from Alaska, plaice from the Northeast Atlantic and the Baltic Sea, and bonito tuna from the Indian Ocean.
4 species are considered to be “conditionally recommended”, including herring from the North Sea and Baltic Sea sprat.
Important: not only the type is decisive. When buying, also pay attention to the fishing area and the fishing method.
Especially the fishing method can affect not only the fish stocks but also the seabed and other animals in the ecosystem and cause great damage.
Bottom trawling in particular has come under criticism because it destroys entire ecosystems.

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