Eastern Ukraine: Russian attack on BILD team: shelling in the middle of the street – politics abroad

After this BILD reporter Paul Ronzheimer together with photographer Giorgos Moutafis and Vadim Moissenko wanted to leave Lyssytschansk, which was almost encircled by the Russian army, today, Wednesday, when the team was shot at midday on a street. There were several explosions.

All three are unharmed, a window of the car was destroyed by a blast.

Russian troops are so close to the city of Lysychansk that journalists wanting to report from the town, fleeing civilians, and the Ukrainian military use one road in particular.

The members of the BILD team were not injuredPhoto: Giorgos Moutafis

It is unclear whether the reporters were specifically targeted. The road to and from Lysychansk has repeatedly been the target of attacks in recent weeks. A French reporter was killed by shelling near Lysychansk two weeks ago.

Ronzheimer: “The attack shows once again that the Russian army makes no distinction between military and civilian targets, but simply bombs everything.”

Nearly two dozen reporters have died since Russia’s war of aggression began. (seh)

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