East-West divide: Saxony catches up in monthly income

Status: 01.06.2024 09:55

On average, West Germans still earn more than East Germans. However, when looking at individual states, this is only partially true: Saxons have higher monthly incomes than some in the West.

After reunification, it was long believed that conditions for workers in East Germany were worse than in the West. However, data from the Federal Statistical Office show that in some eastern states, people now earn more than in some western states. However, people in the East work more hours.

Despite individual outliers, data from April 2023 still show a clear east-west divide. For western Germany, the Federal Statistical Office reports the average monthly income for all employment relationships as 3,205 euros; for the eastern federal states, 2,910 euros. Gross hourly earnings were also higher on average in the west (25.16 euros) than in the east (20.97 euros).

More hours in Saxony: Higher Monthly income

However, a more differentiated picture emerges when looking at the individual federal states. The average gross hourly wage in Schleswig-Holstein was 22.67 euros, and in Saxony 21.21 euros. The bottom line is that the average monthly income in Schleswig-Holstein was 2890 euros. In Saxony – with slightly more hours worked and paid – it was 2925 euros.

Women – who were more often employed part-time – had an average of 29.9 paid hours per week in the east and 25.7 in the west. Thus, female employees in the eastern federal states, with an average monthly income of 2,645 euros, outperformed their colleagues in the west with 2,505 euros.

Wagenknecht calls for rapid minimum wage increase

Sahra Wagenknecht, a member of the German Bundestag, requested the data. She criticized real wages that are too low nationwide. “In many regions in the west, purchasing power is falling particularly sharply,” said Wagenknecht. “Rural areas in particular are at risk of being left behind.” She called for the statutory minimum wage to be raised to 14 euros as early as July 1, thereby implementing the EU minimum wage directive.

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