E-scooter accidents in Bavaria: two dead and hundreds injured – Bavaria

Two people died in accidents with e-scooters in Bavaria last year. In addition, the statistics show 146 seriously injured and 1057 slightly injured, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Wednesday based on preliminary results. A total of 1119 accidents involving personal injury were recorded.

The true number could be higher, since the police are not always called in the case of falls with minor injuries and without third-party involvement. Most of the time, the e-scooter drivers injured themselves in the accidents. This applies to both of those killed, 133 seriously injured and 894 slightly injured.

In terms of the number of accidents, Bavaria is in second place behind North Rhine-Westphalia, where there were 2,312 crashes. Nationwide there were 8260 registered accidents. This corresponds to an increase of around two thirds. Eleven people were killed and 1,234 seriously injured.

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