During the European Football Championship: Weapons ban at four Bavarian train stations – Bavaria

For security reasons, carrying weapons is prohibited at four Bavarian train stations during the European Football Championship. The Federal Police have issued a corresponding general order for the main train stations in Munich, Nuremberg, Würzburg and Augsburg for the period from June 15 to July 15, 2024, 6 a.m.

During this period, carrying firearms, blank-firing weapons, cutting, stabbing and stabbing weapons, as well as knives of all kinds, as well as dangerous tools, is prohibited, the police said. However, various exceptions apply, including for the security forces themselves, catering establishments or tradesmen with specific orders.

The aim of the ban is to prevent violent crimes and to protect travellers and police officers from such attacks. This is particularly true given the increased volume of travel during the European Championships. The scope of the general decree covers all parts of the main train station buildings, including the pedestrian tunnels, the associated platforms and all publicly accessible levels.

Violent crimes at train stations and railway facilities of the federal railways remain at a high level. Dangerous objects are also used again and again. The Federal Police therefore consider the proposed restriction to be necessary. It will be monitored by the emergency services. Violations can result in legal consequences and expulsion or a ban from the premises. The objects can also be confiscated.

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