Duchess Camilla: British agree with her as Queen Consort

poll numbers
Duchess Camilla is popular – things are looking bad for Andrew, Harry and Meghan

Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Duchess Camilla, Queen Elizabeth II, Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry in July 2018

© Picture Alliance

In a poll, Brits explain how they feel about the Queen’s decision to have Camilla become Queen Consort after Prince Charles’ accession.

This announcement was a big gesture: On the occasion of the celebrations for her 70th throne jubilee, Queen Elizabeth II announced on Sunday that Duchess Camilla should become Queen Consort after her death.

Duchess Camilla: British are satisfied

In recent years, Prince Charles’ wife has become increasingly popular and an important part of the royal family. She was able to leave the reputation of her beloved behind more and more. And so the reactions to the Queen’s announcement are positive. The “Daily Mail” wanted to know from the British whether they agree that Camilla would become Queen Consort in the future. 55 percent of Britons answered in the affirmative. But not only that: Camilla’s popularity ratings are also increasing. However, a closer look at the generations reveals a difference. The 18 to 44 year olds believe less that Camilla would make a good queen than the older ones.

Meanwhile, 85 percent of respondents believe Princess Diana would have been a better queen than Camilla, who received just 16 percent for this question. “And when, in due course, my son Charles becomes king, I know that you will give him and his wife Camilla the same support that you gave me; and it is my sincere wish that when that time comes, Camilla will be known as the Queen Consort while continuing her own loyal service,” the Queen said in her statement.

Poor poll numbers for Meghan, Harry and Andrew

It looks much worse for Prince Andrew, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan. While Prince Andrew takes last place on the popularity scale, Meghan and then Harry follow a little later. The values ​​are compared with those from March 2021.

In the survey, the British also announced that they found Meghan and Harry to have given the Queen too little support. Only 20 percent thought it was enough.

source: “Daily Mail”

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