Drunk driver involved in fatal accident indicted

Detail of the poster of “What have we done to the Good Lord?”. – UGC Distribution

Driver involved in crash that claimed the lives of three film crew members What have we all done to the good Lord Friday in Vienne was alcoholic at the time of the facts, we learned this Monday from the prosecutor’s office in Poitiers.

This craftsman of thirty years, domiciled in the region, was to be indicted on Monday evening following the opening of a judicial investigation for manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, the same source explained to a correspondent. from AFP.

A fourth person hospitalized in serious condition

Toxicological analyzes revealed an alcohol level of 0.8 grams per liter of blood and the man, whose criminal record is clean, was driving at a speed above the limit, according to the prosecution, which explained that the camera crew’s vehicle might have toasted a give way.

The accident happened on Friday evening when two cars, one with a single driver and the other with four members of the film crew on board, collided at a crossroads in Pouant (Vienne), at a thirty km from Châtellerault where the feature film was being filmed. The fourth member of the team is still hospitalized in Poitiers in serious condition, according to the prosecution, which required the placing under judicial supervision of the driver involved.

The suspended shoot

Filming has been suspended until further notice after the tragedy, producer UGC told AFP on Monday.

Signed Philippe de Chauveron, What have we all done to the good Lord is the third opus in a very successful comedy series, starring Christian Clavier and Chantal Lauby: What did we do to the good Lord attracted 12.3 million spectators in 2014 and beyond What else have we done to the good Lord made 6.7 million admissions in 2019.

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