Drosten on the Omikron variant: “We need quick decisions now”

Status: December 9th, 2021 7:32 p.m.

The virologist Drosten considers the Omikron variant to be worrying. A look at South Africa showed how rapidly it is spreading and how dangerous it can be for children. Germany must act quickly and, above all, boost it, he said in the daily topics.

The virologist Christian Drosten has worked in the daily topics expressed concern about the new Coronavirus variant Omikron. Data from several countries such as South Africa, Denmark and England showed that the incidence of infections doubled about every three days. “That is significantly faster than what we were used to from the Delta variant.”

Regarding the previous experience with the variant in South Africa, where Omikron was first discovered and examined, he said: “We know that the severity of the disease is less pronounced there. But we do not understand exactly how that should be interpreted. A third is fine there of the cases to the hospital, and when they are in the hospital, they only have about a third of the severe courses, “says Drosten. But that would only be a rule of thumb and are not exact numbers.

One must ask oneself how the infection with the Omicron virus proceeds in those who have not yet been infected and have not been vaccinated. “The information from South Africa worries me more and more,” said Drosten. “What you can see there is that especially the youngest children under the age of five have to go to the hospital more and more, with severe courses.”

Virologist Christian Drosten with an assessment of the spread of the Omikron variant

daily topics 10:30 p.m., 9.12.2021

Serious courses in unvaccinated people are to be feared

One must take into account that practically the entire population in South Africa was infected with this virus or was vaccinated. “That could be transferred to the German situation and fear that those who have not been vaccinated and who have not recovered will develop a severe course with the virus.”

Decisions now have to be made quickly, according to Drosten, because the virus is multiplying quickly. It could be a little slower in Germany than in England, because in principle there are no more control measures in force there. “We can still take credit for that, but it won’t make a big difference.”

“Anyone who can now has to be boosted”

Regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines available, Drosten said: “The immunity is clearly weakened, but not zero. Those who are boosted may have about the same immunity level as someone who was previously vaccinated twice and let a few months pass.”

He again emphasized the importance of the vaccination: “Anyone who can, has to be boosted now. All unvaccinated people have to sit down and think very carefully whether they really want to keep it up, in view of this new danger. This virus will also affect the unvaccinated. ” There is still too much vaccine picking among those over 60 in Germany, but also among the younger ones.

The vaccine also has to be adapted, so Drosten, but the new vaccine will only be available after the current winter wave. BioNTech announced a special vaccine against Omikron for the beginning of March. Realistically, however, it will only be possible to inoculate this at the end of April / May.

Glad about the STIKO recommendation for children

He was happy about the STIKO recommendation for child vaccinations. He could only advise having the children vaccinated, because of the school operations, their own illness and also with regard to South Africa – should it prove to be the case that the courses with Omikron are more difficult for the children.

Optimistic view of the future

Next year, the year after next, or three years from now, Corona will be a normal cold virus. Then the vaccination only needs to be refreshed in winter, and maybe not the whole population either. “We’re running towards it,” said Drosten.

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