Drinking water: Despite the good quality, Germans remain fans of bottles

Despite good water quality, Germans prefer to drink from the bottle

Doesn’t fully convince the Germans: drinking water from the tap

© Patrick Pleul / DPA

Do you prefer to enjoy your water from the bottle or straight from the tap? According to a Statista survey, many Germans rely on bottled drinking water, despite the excellent water quality.

According to the Federal Environment Agency, the drinking water quality in Germany is usually very good. It would actually be obvious to do without bottled water. Nevertheless, the Germans are bottle fans. 65 percent of the for the extra The people surveyed in the Global Consumer Survey in Germany regularly drink bottled water. That’s a lot in a European comparison, as a look at the chart shows.

Diet: Despite good water quality, Germans prefer to drink from a bottle

Only in Italy are there significantly more. Although the tap water can also be drunk there without hesitation, Italians have apparently gotten into the habit of reaching for the bottle. Bottled water, on the other hand, is much less popular in Austria and Switzerland. And in Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, consumers seem to see very few reasons to despise the wet from the tap.


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