Drinking tourism: Mallorca police chase away football fans with blank cartridges

Drinking tourism
Mallorca police chase away football fans with blank cartridges

People walk past Ballermann 6 on a sunny day. Photo

© Clara Margais/dpa

Rioting by German holidaymakers is part of everyday life at Ballermann. This time, the Mallorcan police used blank cartridges.

The Police on Mallorca have put an end to a party of rowdy Alemannia Aachen football fans at Ballermann by firing shots. The officers used blank cartridges on Monday at Playa de Palma to drive the fans away from the so-called Schinkenstraße, a police spokesman on the Spanish Mediterranean island confirmed.

A video circulating on social media shows a group of police officers driving Aachen fans in front of them with guns. The Germans were celebrating their team’s promotion to the third division.

The party in the Bamboleo bar got out of hand, said the police spokesman. “The football fans started to riot in the bar. When a bouncer tried to throw them out, he was attacked.” Even when the police arrived on the scene, the Germans refused to leave. Therefore, measures were taken to restore public peace. According to the spokesman, no arrests were made.

After the end of the season in the German football leagues, numerous teams and fans traveled to Playa de Palma to celebrate. May and June are considered the worst months for excesses at Ballermann because of the young and party-loving crowd. Last year, Bamboleo made headlines when bouncers at the bar chased German holidaymakers with batons.

Report “Ultima Hora”


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