“Dopesick” to “Hawkeye”: These series entertain in November

“Dopesick” to “Hawkeye”
These series entertain in November

Michael Keaton is in top form again in “Dopesick”.

© 2021 Hulu

The often gray and cold November 2021 awaits with some series highlights. Also included: “Dopesick”, “Hawkeye” and a Beatles documentary.

Ever shorter days, often cool and gray weather and rampant autumn fatigue: November is perfect for streaming providers, pay TV and free TV channels to entice viewers in front of the TV sets with new series delicacies. Part of the highlights in the eleventh month of 2021: The non-fiction film adaptation “Dopesick” with Golden Globe winner Michael Keaton (70), Marvel’s “Hawkeye” with Jeremy Renner (50) and a three-part Beatles documentary of “The Lord of the Rings” – Director Sir Peter Jackson (59). All three will start on Disney + in the next four weeks.

Disney +

When it comes to highlights, the mouse company is clearly one step ahead in November – with three productions from completely different genres. It starts on November 12 with the four-part miniseries “Dopesick”, which was inspired by the successful non-fiction book “Dopesick: How Doctors and the Pharmaceutical Industry Make Us Addict” (2018) by journalist Beth Macy. Hollywood star Michael Keaton, who also worked as executive producer, mimes family doctor Dr. Samuel Finnix, who prescribes miners a new type of pain reliever called OxyContin, but which makes his patients quickly addicted. As a result, the pharmaceutical company Purdue has to answer in court.

“Dopesick” outlines the story of the US fight against opioid addiction and is set in a variety of locations – including the boardrooms of large pharmaceutical giants, the office of the US drug law enforcement agency, and a small mining community in Virginia. The focus of the makers, who in addition to Keaton also includes screenwriter Danny Strong (42), is on the everyday heroes who courageously take the undignified profiteers of the crisis and their allies to their breasts. In addition to the “Birdman” star, Peter Sarsgaard (50) and Rosario Dawson (50) can also be seen in leading roles.

After the start of “Loki” in the summer, another Marvel superhero will appear on November 24th. In “Hawkeye”, after the British Tom Hiddleston (40), US colleague Jeremy Renner (50, “The Bourne Legacy”) takes center stage in his role as the eponymous bow and arrow hero Clint Barton alias Hawkeye. Supporting roles include Hailee Steinfeld (24), Linda Cardellini (46) and Vera Farmiga (48). In addition, Florence Pugh (25) appears again as Natasha Romanoff’s foster sister Yelena Belova after her brilliant Marvel debut in “Black Widow”.

And as if that weren’t enough entertainment, the third monthly highlight of the Disney + streaming service will go online at the end of November: the eagerly awaited three-part documentary series “The Beatles: Get Back” by director ace Sir Peter Jackson (“The Hobbit”). For the production of the three episodes, which will be available from November 25th, 26th and 27th, the New Zealand Oscar winner used restored film material from 1969 that had never been shown before. It shows the creation of the twelfth and final studio album by “Mushroom Heads” John Lennon (1940-1980), Paul McCartney (79), George Harrison (1943-2011) and Ringo Starr (81), “Let It Be”, and offers a rare glimpse into their creative process and their relationship with one another . “The Beatles: Get Back” contains almost 150 hours of unheard sound material and the last live performance of the Beatles in full – the unforgettable rooftop concert on London’s Savile Row.


Streaming competitor Netflix is ​​offering all fans of “Riverdale” reason to celebrate from November 17th. After the eagerly awaited sixth season of the drama series premiered the day before on the US broadcaster The CW, the story of Archie Andrews (KJ Apa, 24) and his friends opens a new chapter in Germany a day later. After the surprising time jump in season five, Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse, 29), Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhard, 25) and Co. have to fight as adults for the future of their hometown Riverdale – and against a terrible curse.

Apple TV +

The corporate giant Apple tries in November to score with two extraordinary original series. The first with the catchy title “Dr. Brain” starts on the fourth of the month and was produced entirely in Korean. “Parasite” star Lee Sun-kyun (46) plays the leading role in the science fiction series by Kim Jee-woon (57), which is based on a South Korean webtoon. He plays the brilliant brain researcher Sewon, whose family falls victim to a mysterious accident. From now on he wants to find out at all costs what happened and uses extraordinary methods to do this. One of them: the “brain synchronization” with the dead, which allows Sewon to access their memories. One episode per week goes online on Apple TV +, with a total of six.

“The therapist from next door”, a dark comedy mini-series based on the Apple podcast of the same name (2019-2021) by journalist and author Joe Nocera (69), will start on November 12th. Paul Rudd (52, “Ant-Man”) embodies the psychiatrist Dr. Isaac “Ike” Herschkopf, who creeps more and more into the life of his patient Martin “Marty” Markowitz (Will Ferrell, 54). Also on board is Kathryn Hahn (48), who is mainly known from funny supporting roles (“Bad Moms”, “We are the Millers”). Does she also cause unexpected laughs in “The Therapist Next Door”?

Free TV

In the free-to-air television program, Das Erste offers a special highlight in late autumn that is worth switching on. Because right at the beginning of the month, on November 2nd, the third season of “Die Heiland – We are lawyer” starts with Christina Athenstädt (42, “Dr. Kleist family”) as the blind lawyer Romy Heiland. The series is based on the true story of Berlin criminal defense attorney Pamela Pabst (43) and celebrated the premiere of season one in 2018. Lisa Martinek (1972-2019) played the lawyer in the first six episodes. After her death, Athenstädt took over. After the start of the season, the new episodes always run on Tuesdays at 8:15 p.m.


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