Donnarumma already decisive against Pedri in this Euro 2024 shock… Follow the match with us…

But the Nazionale gets by. What a start to the match for the Spaniards.

Overflow from Nico Williams on the left side. The Athletic striker crosses for Pedri who hits the target with a header, but Gigio’s superb tap-in is on target.

A change for Spain, with Le Normand replacing the injured Nacho in defense. A French hinge for Spain, with Laporte and Le Normand.

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Both teams won their first match, the winner of tonight’s duel will qualify for the round of 16. For the other, the third match should be enough to validate their ticket for the rest of the tournament.

Good evening France, good evening Spain, good evening Italy, good evening the world.

We still remember this Euro 2012 final between the Spaniards and the Italians who had a hard time for our dear transalpine friends. So, seeing this poster from the group stage of Euro 2024, we’re looking forward to it. La Roja and La Nazionale both won their first meeting of this European Championship and this duel therefore does not promise hell to the loser, especially in this system where the best third places are qualified. But this will already give us small clues about the forces present.

>> So follow the meeting with us from 8:30 p.m.

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