Donald Trump: That costs a dinner plus photo with him

donald trump
That’s dinner plus a photo with him

Donald Trump is running for the presidency again.

© Evan El-Amin/Shutterstock

Ex-President Donald Trump is planning an event where visitors have a chance to meet him – if they are rich enough.

Donald Trump (75) has apparently found a new source of income. At his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, his Super-Pac (a political candidate support platform) is hosting the “Take Back Congress Candidate Forum” on February 23.

The forum must be of great value to the potentially participating Republicans or Trump fans. Couples wanting a photo with Trump, a VIP seat at a dinner with Trump, good seats at the Forum, and the option (!) of an overnight stay in Mar-a-Lago will have to shell out $250,000. Whereby the overnight stay, if you win it, costs extra.

5000 euros for the “normal” seats

For 100,000 euros, a couple gets a photo with Trump, good seats – and VIP seats at a dinner with the supported candidates. At this dinner, “comments” are also promised by Trump, i.e. a statement or remarks by President Trump. The cheapest variant costs $5,000 per couple and only entitles you to take part in the dinner with the candidates – in “normal” seats.

At first glance, the forum is intended to support the Republicans in the midterm elections in the fall. According to the “New York Times” journalist Maggie Habermann However, the event is primarily there to raise funds for exactly one candidate: Trump himself. According to this, Trump spends practically no money on other Republicans, “but he is trying to raise money for his group with Congress Republicans.”


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