Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis: Who will be more dangerous for Biden in 2024?

For many in the US, the top duel of the primaries is already certain: Donald Trump versus Ron DeSantis. In an interview with the US political scientist Timothy Hagle analyzes what distinguishes the two and what decisive advantage Florida’s governor has star.

Ron DeSantis is currently traveling across the country to promote his new book The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Rebirth. Some of the first stops are Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire. Do you think that’s a coincidence, Mr. Hagle?

Timothy Hagle:(laughs) No, I do not think so. Whenever a politician heads into the early primary states, there’s room for speculation. In the case of Ron DeSantis, it’s just the latest in a string of signs. It’s no secret that he is preparing to launch his campaign and is meeting with advisers and party strategists. When DeSantis thinks the time is right, he will announce his candidacy.

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