Does nettle help against osteoarthritis? Easily explained

As a medicinal plant, stinging nettle helps against arthrosis and also against other joint problems that cause pain and inflammatory processes. There are a few tips to keep in mind when using it.

Use nettle for osteoarthritis

The nettle is a long-known medicinal plant that not only relieves the symptoms of arthrosis. Also against gout, rheumatism and arthritis the plant can be used for complaints.

  • Nettles contain acetylcholine and serotonin as active ingredients. They promote blood circulation, which subsequently relieves pain. The healing power of the plant has been known for several hundred years. As early as the 15th century, the doctor Paracelsus described that stinging nettles are good for joint pain.
  • If you make an extract from stinging nettles, it inhibits inflammation when used properly. studies showed that the effect of the extract provides almost the same effects as if the patient had taken non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, the study situation is still very thin, so that there is no evidence of effectiveness (as of 09/2022).
  • A mush can also be made from the nettles. They contain a lot of lipoxygenase and thus inhibit the release of caffeomalic acid. As a result, the patient suffers fewer flare-ups and therefore requires fewer painkillers.
  • Another study proves that the active ingredients in stinging nettle can alleviate movement restrictions and reduce pain in the joints. Due to the lower joint stiffness, mobility can also be improved.

How to use stinging nettles for arthrosis symptoms

The plant grows almost everywhere in the garden, on the roadside, in forests or in fields. Here you can Pick medicinal plants yourself and continue to use it free of charge.

  • Put the freshly washed leaves in a juicer and use it to squeeze fresh juice.
  • Cut the leaves into small pieces and mix them into your prepared dishes. Either sprinkle them over salads or stir them into mashed potatoes, for example.
  • You can also dry the leaves and one later tea prepare from it.
  • To render the stinging hairs harmless, wrap the leaves in them kitchen towel and roll in several times rolling pin about that. Mixing and heat also destroy the hairs.
  • a notice: There are no scientifically based statements about the necessary and maximum dosage of stinging nettle for arthrosis. If you are unsure, it is best to discuss the appropriate dosage and application with your doctor.

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