Do-it-yourself and DIY: A hymn to the cordless screwdriver style

The cordless screwdriver belongs in the household like a drying rack or the emergency plunger under the drain. It’s not just something to hold on to, it’s something you can hold on to. About a good, almost potent feeling.


Max Scharnigg

Unlike owning a chop saw or a belt grinder, the presence of a cordless screwdriver in a household does not yet allow any conclusions to be drawn about a tendency towards DIY. If you want to attach a mirror once every six months or even just significantly speed up an Ikea assembly (yes, there is life without the Ikea Allen key), you will eventually have to do it. However, the purchase of a cordless screwdriver does indicate that you are on your own from now on. Dad’s on-call duty traditionally comes to an end, and the whole unclear dowel-screw-nail-cable-clamp issue that comes with living falls into your own area of ​​responsibility from now on. It doesn’t matter that the first apartment you own is usually only rented, because German tenants are generally not afraid to extensively perforate and chisel in borrowed walls or plan their own breakthroughs.

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