Dmitry Medvedev: Master of Disaster threatens European nuclear power plants

Failure on Telegram
Master of Disaster again in his element: This time Dmitry Medvedev threatens the European nuclear power plants

Dmitry Medvedev visits a garrison in southern Russia. But even this visit brought him only scorn. Read more about this here.

© Ekaterina Shtukina / Picture Alliance

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe and is of central importance for both Moscow and Kyiv. The battles for his control are all the more bitter. Now Dmitry Medvedev is adding fuel to the fire.

Dmitri Medvedev just can’t help it: Once he’s gotten behind one scandal, he starts a new one. As the situation around Ukraine’s Zaporizhia nuclear power plant escalates, the acting deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council is banging on his keys and unleashing his hatred of the world via telegram Come on.

“Kiev’s scumbags and their Western patrons seem ready to stage another Chernobyl,” Medvedev typed on his account on Friday. “The rockets and grenades are falling closer and closer to the reactor of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and the storage site for radioactive isotopes.”

While the former prime minister seems to forget that it was the Soviet Union that was responsible for the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, there is no denying that the situation around the nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, which has been occupied by Russian troops since March, is deteriorating dramatically. The facility was shot at and damaged several times, with the critical infrastructure having been spared, at least according to information from both sides. Kyiv and Moscow blame each other for the attacks.

“They say it’s Russia. Even for the stupid Russophobe public, that’s obvious, 100 percent nonsense,” Medvedev claims boldly, adding a threat. “They say it happens purely by accident. Unintentionally. What can I say… We shouldn’t forget that the European Union also has nuclear power plants. And coincidences are also possible there.”

Dmitry Medvedev in the footsteps of Zhirinovsky

The latest Telegram outage is nothing new for Medvedev. He was once the hope of Russia’s liberals. Today, the former interim president is the hottest candidate for the vacant post of court jester in the Kremlin. Since the death of ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky last April, that position has been vacant — and Medvedev appears to be nothing too abstruse or gross to follow in the infamous political clown’s abnormally large footsteps.

Medvedev’s appearances on Telegram and the Russian social network Vkontakte have become a manifesto of his imperialist madness. Since 2020 he has held the previously non-existent post of “Deputy Chairman of the Security Council” and only makes abstruse statements about himself.

Medvedev recently insulted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensyj as Hitler. He mocks Chancellor Olaf Scholz as a “liver sausage fan”. In June he explained his hate speech with the following words: “I’m often asked why my telegram posts are so harsh. I answer: I hate them. They are bastards and scum. They want our deaths, the deaths of Russia. And so long I’m alive, I’ll do everything to make them go away.” What is meant is the western world and its representatives.

Medvedev caused the last big scandal with a failure in the direction of Kazakhstan: The Central Asian state is an “artificial state” and “former Russian territory,” wrote Medvedev. In the scandalous post, he accused the Kazakh authorities of “genocide against Russians” and vowed to regain the “lost territories.” In addition to Kazakhstan, this also applies to Georgia.

The post was online in just ten minutes. Then it was said that Medvedev’s account had been hacked and that the post was not from himself. This is not the first time this excuse has been used. And yet the content makes you sit up and take notice: has Medvedev perhaps already held the post of court jester? Zhirinovsky played this role for Putin for more than 20 years until his death – and spoke out what was too hot for the Kremlin. As a mood test.

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