District of Dachau: The LEP completely ignores reality – Dachau

The S-Bahn communities are rightly angry that they are no longer considered a metropolitan area. This makes it more difficult to identify building land – but that’s exactly what the district of Dachau urgently needs.

It is complete madness what the Council of Ministers cobbled together when drafting the new state development program: the S-Bahn communities of Hebertshausen, Röhrmoos and Vierkirchen should no longer be considered a metropolitan area, Petershausen will not be recognized as such. The communities are basically just cow villages somewhere in the middle of nowhere – around 35 kilometers from Munich. The downgrade has significant disadvantages for communities and is far from reality.

The district is booming. This is also confirmed by the Planning Association for the Outer Economic Area of ​​Munich: According to statistics, the district is by far the most popular with new residents in the Munich region. According to forecasts by the State Statistical Office, the Munich region will attract a further 3.2 million residents by 2037. Of these new citizens, only 169,000 will find a new home in Munich, the rest will settle in the surrounding area – most of them, according to the forecast, in the Dachau district. And where will they settle? Along the S-Bahn axis so that you can get to work in Munich comfortably.

This makes life much more difficult, especially for educators

This is already noticeable in the inflated property prices, for example in Hebertshausen: For a three-room condominium with 71 square meters from 2001, you have to shell out around 565,000 euros. In contrast, a two-room terrace apartment with 65 square meters and a garden in the structurally weak district of Regen in Lower Bavaria costs only 125,000 euros. This makes it clear that the citizens of the district have to dig deeper into their pockets just for the housing costs. And now the metropolitan area allowance is also to be abolished for community employees in the S-Bahn communities – thanks to the LEP. This makes life much more difficult, especially for educators. What a shame!

Another decision in the LEP: In the future only Dachau and Karlsfeld will be considered conurbations. This means that it is easier to designate new building land here. But where else should Dachau grow? By 2030, more than 60,000 residents are expected to live in the district town. However, the required infrastructure cannot keep up, says Mayor Florian Hartmann (SPD). Childcare alone, for which the city already has a deficit in the double-digit millions, would have to be increased further: “Financially, we can no longer afford this growth,” says Hartmann.

Real estate prices are also exploding in Karlsfeld, and in a study it was proclaimed the municipality with the highest rents in Germany. There is only one way out of the misery: the rural districts along the S-Bahn axes must also be intensified – and the LEP must lay the foundations for this.

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