Distribution of responsibilities between the traffic light parties: A super ministry for the Greens

Status: 11/24/2021 5:11 p.m.

The traffic light parties have also agreed in their coalition agreement on the distribution of the departments. The SPD receives seven ministries. The Greens score with a super ministry. The FDP will occupy finance and transport.

To this day, all details from the coalition negotiations between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP have been strictly confidential. Almost nothing penetrated the content to the outside world. It was only known that the distribution of responsibilities in the future traffic light government had been bitterly wrestled to the end. Now the party leaders and their negotiators have agreed on a coalition agreement. It also determines how the cabinet of the future Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) should look.

The SPD occupies seven ministries, including the office of the head of the chancellery. She also takes on the departments for home affairs and homeland, defense, labor and social affairs, and economic cooperation. In addition, there is the central health department in the Corona crisis and a newly tailored Ministry of Construction.

No names announced yet

The Greens will head five ministries. In the new federal government there should be a super ministry for economy and climate protection, which should be led by them. They also take over the management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They therefore also have the right to propose who Germany will send to Brussels as the next EU Commissioner. The Environment / Consumers, Agriculture / Food and Family departments also go to the Greens.

The FDP receives four ministries. She can take over the finance department primarily aimed at by party leader Christian Lindner. In addition, there are the ministries for justice, education and research as well as the transport ministry, which the Greens hoped for in the meantime, with the digital area.

For the time being, the traffic light parties did not want to comment on which ministers they would send to the future cabinet. Most recently, FDP boss Lindner as the new finance minister and the Greens co-chairmen Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock for the areas of climate / economy and foreign affairs were more or less set. Scholz has been appointed as the new Federal Chancellor of the SPD.

Greens will announce personal details on Thursday

Scholz said the list of ministers of the SPD will be presented after the deliberations on the coalition agreement and its support in the SPD have been concluded. In the next few days he himself will “be working very intensively to bring about an excellent occupation in the social democratic departments”.

There will then be a good solution, said Scholz. It had already been announced in SPD circles that the personnel list should not be published before the special party conference on December 4th. The Greens want to announce their personal details on Thursday.

Keyword: the traffic light partners and the division of responsibilities

Kai Clement, ARD Berlin, 11/24/2021 4:35 p.m.

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