DIRECT. National Assembly: “We have no knowledge of anything”, assures Quatennens after rumors about Coquerel


Damien Abad struggles to recruit for his firm

Accused of sexual violencethe Minister of Solidarity Damien Abad would have difficulty recruiting his cabinet, reveals Release. “Many candidates and in particular potential candidates refused the position” of director of cabinet before Jean-Benoît Dujol took it, assures in particular a ministerial adviser on a daily basis. “Many people approached declined, both for business and for the uncertainty of his continued government,” another source told the newspaper.



Christian Jacob leaves the presidency of the Les Républicains party

The departure had been scheduled for a long time. Christian Jacob leaves the presidency of the Republicans after three years at the head of a party in crisis, of which he has somehow maintained the unity. “I gave the best of myself to guarantee our unity in a period when little was spared us,” he said in a letter to members.


Four dissident PS candidates in Dordogne suspended by the party

The Socialist Party has chosen to suspend the dissident socialists who stood in the legislative elections despite the agreement reached with the Nupes. This is particularly the case for 4 candidates in the Dordogne, that of Bergeracois Christophe Cathus, the dissident PS candidate of Périgord Noir, Christian Teillac, the candidate of the first constituency Floran Vadillo and his alternate Caroline Cappel, specifies France Blue Perigord.



Annie Genevard, the new face at the head of LR

AFP/Dominique Faget


“Today we know nothing”, assures Quatennens

Still on BFMTV, the rebellious deputy Adrien Quatennens ensures that LFI “does not skimp on sexist and sexual violence and takes women’s voices seriously”. Asked about the accusations of a priori inappropriate “behaviour” by Éric Coquerel, the elected official indicates that at present “our cell against sexist and sexual violence has never been seized of inappropriate behavior. Today we know nothing”.


The vote of confidence for Borne in the Assembly is an “absolute necessity”, judge Quatennens

Asked about BFMTV, the rebellious deputy Adrien Quatennens believes that Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne “must seek a vote of confidence from parliamentarians”. “This is what we are asking for, it is an absolute necessity”, declares the elected official. Speaking of a “stinging defeat” of the majority in legislative electionshe believes that “governing cannot be done by the prince”.

LP / Olivier Corsan


A reshuffle should take place “Monday or Tuesday”, according to Olivia Grégoire

On LCI, government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire clarified that there “will be (it) a Council of Ministers next week” and that a reshuffle could take place by “Monday or Tuesday”.


The Insoumis Éric Coquerel, new head of the Finance Committee

Neither “witch hunt”, nor “buzz”. The deputy LFI was elected president of this very strategic commission at the National Assembly on Thursday. Faced with criticism, this faithful lieutenant of Jean-Luc Mélenchon wanted to give a reassuring speech. Our decryption to read.

REUTERS/Sarah Meyssonnier


Olivier Dussopt would have preferred another chairman of the Finance Committee

Asked about Europe 1, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt mentioned the chairmanship of Eric Coquerel on the Finance Committee. “If I give you my personal opinion, I would have preferred a chairman of the Finance Committee fully rooted in a government party, I am thinking in particular of Valerie Rabault who, in my eyes, would have been a much better president,” said the minister.


More than 90 appeals filed with the Constitutional Council against the results of the legislative elections

The Constitutional Council registered 91 appeals against the legislative results. As the instance explains on his site, a period of ten days following the proclamation of the results is open to persons registered on the electoral lists and to candidates to challenge them before the Council. Among these appeals, there are certain ex-candidates contesting the counting or having reported irregularities, such as Jean-Marc Garnier, RN candidate in Ariège who had ensured in the local press that some of her ballots had been reversed with those of a candidate from another constituency.


Damien Abad, a minister on borrowed time

After the opening of an investigation for attempted rape by the Paris prosecutor’s office, the Minister of Solidarity, who still claims his innocence, appears to be increasingly weakened politically. Behind the scenes, the pressure is growing for his resignation. “He’s going out”, slices a tenor, thinking at the next revision. Our decryption on the subject.

LP/Olivier Lejeune


Sébastien Chenu defends the idea of ​​a commission of inquiry on inflation

Invited on BFMTV, MP RN Sébastien Chenu announces that his party will be among those who will ask for a commission of inquiry on inflation. The day before, the boss of the Leclerc group wanted clarification around price increases, particularly on certain food products. “A commission of inquiry into inflation, I found this idea of ​​Michel-Édouard Leclerc very relevant (…) It is an excellent interesting proposal to carry out”, judges the spokesperson of the National Rally.

Reuters/Sarah Meyssonnier


“Emmanuel Macron does not understand the ecological issue”, judge Sandrine Rousseau

Ecofeminist Sandrine Rousseau also reconsidered the ecological policy led by the government. “There may be one, two, three, four, five environmentalists in government, that will not change,” she believes before adding that for there to be real political momentum: “If Emmanuel Macron understands that we have a major ecological problem, that it’s a wall that is coming and that we rush into it at high speed, in these cases, yes, I want to participate But when faced with someone who does not understand the What is at stake, you have to be in the opposition because that is where you are most useful. Today, Emmanuel Macron does not understand the ecological issue.

Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP


Sandrine Rousseau indicates “not having had direct testimony” targeting Eric Coquerel

Guest on the set of Franceinfo, environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau indicates “not having had direct testimony from women” complaining of the behavior of Eric Coquerel. “I made phone calls, put several feminists on the spot and I had no testimony, which does not mean that it does not exist elsewhere, but without testimony or corroborated fact what do you want that ‘we do ? “, she asks. “Victims must report to LFI’s sexual and gender-based violence unit,” she adds.


“Eric Coquerel will use the Finance Committee as a political weapon,” says Chenu

Guest of BFMTV, the new RN vice-president of the National Assembly, Sebastien Chenu, believes that the election of Eric Coquerel to the Finance Committee is a “very dangerous signal, especially on the side of LR. “” We proposed a rotating presidency, LR did not want it. The far left wants to play the obstruction, we want another policy, to influence the choices of the government. Eric Coquerel will use the Finance Commission as a political weapon, ”said the RN spokesperson.


“The Head of State takes care of the French permanently”, assures Grégoire

“The Head of State takes care of the French all the time, when he is in France but also abroad. It is an unfailing commitment from France. When he goes to Ukraine, to the G7, to NATO, he also talks about food aid and indirectly about the purchasing power of the French,” adds government spokesperson Olivia Grégoire on LCI.


“Employers have a problem of visibility” to be able to increase salaries, believes Grégoire

Guest on LCI, government spokesperson Olivia Grégoire, returned to the policy pursued by the executive against inflation. “It is important that we give more purchasing power to the French. But we know in this context that employers have a visibility problem. We can hear that some of them do not want to jeopardize their business by increasing wages,” adding that it is therefore necessary to “grab” the aid put on the table by the government. “Our goal is for the effect of our measures to be seen in the pockets of the French in August. We are doing everything to ensure that the summer is not spoiled by inflation issues or by the Covid, ”she continues.

LP/Olivier Lejeune


“We break the legs of the French and we offer them a crutch”, judge Jordan Bardella

On CNews, the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella reconsidered the policy pursued by the executive to fight against inflation. “We continue to distribute food vouchers of 100 euros whereas what we are proposing, a reduction in taxes, is more profitable. Today, we forget the middle classes, because they are not poor enough to obtain the social minima. We break the legs of the French and we offer them a crutch”, he judges, believing that “we must lower taxes and raise salaries”.

LP/Milla Morisson


“There has been no report” against Eric Coquerel, recalls Bompard

About the rumors circulating around Eric Coquerel and his behavior with women, Manuel Bompard recalls that “there has been no report that has been sent to the cell against sexist and sexual violence in rebellious France”. “The cell remains available to listen to women”, insists the elected official, adding that LFI “pays real attention to this subject”.

PhotoPQR/La Provence/Nicolas Vallauri


“We do not want to participate in the institutionalization of the RN”, assures Bayou

Guest on France 2, the deputy EELV Julien Bayou returned to the election of two RN deputies to the post of vice-president of the National Assembly. “The challenge is not to deny that they have deputies but we do not want to participate in the trivialization and institutionalization of the National Rally”, insists the elected ecologist. “LREM deputies voted in numbers for the RN. They made themselves the stepping stone of the RN, it is extremely serious, ”he judged.

LP/Delphine Goldsztejn


The Finance Committee “is not a tool for carrying out a personal vendetta”

Guest on Public Senate, the deputy (LFI) of Bouches-du-Rhône, Manuel Bompard recalls that the Finance Committee “is not a tool for carrying out a personal vendetta”. “It is true that if it is necessary to launch initiatives and commissions of inquiry into problems of fraud or tax evasion, we will do so”, warns the elected official.


In the mornings

This morning, on radio and TV, you will be able to follow:

  • Manuel Bompard, vice-president of the Insoumis group at the National Assembly, at 8 a.m. on Public Senate.
  • Julien Bayouco-president of the environmental group in the Assembly and national secretary of EELV, at 7:38 a.m. on France 2.
  • Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration at 8:13 a.m. on Europe 1.
  • Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, at 8:15 a.m. on Cnews.
  • Sandrine Rousseau, MP Nupes – Europe Ecology Les Verts de Paris at 8:30 am on France Info.
  • Olivia Gregoire, government spokesperson, at 8:30 a.m. on LCI.
  • Sebastien Chenu, deputy National Rally and vice-president of the National Assembly, at 8:30 a.m. on RMC / BFMTV.


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